Antti Rönkä (b.1973)

Antti Rönkä is a painter, who graduated from Imatra Art School in 1998 and lives and works in Kuopio. The themes for his acrylic paintings include physics formulas, physical constants, words and abstractions. The form of the artworks is precise, explicit and  minimalist. Rönkä has said that he does not want to explain his artworks but to offer the viewer a chance to form a personal experience.

The artworks exhibited at the M_itä? Biennale of Contemporary Art in Mikkeli are Finnish words painted in an urban environment on walls of buildings. The words painted in black stand out on concrete walls, and they invite the viewer to stop for a moment and consider the surrounding space. The artworks are showcased on Mikkeli Market Square, at the south end of the harbour warehouses, in Pursiala’s old substation and in Mikkeli Art Museum.
The artist has received funding from the Arts Promotion Centre Finland.

Photo: Harri Heinonen, © Antti Rönkä, Kuvasto ry, Harri Heinonen ja Mikkelin taidemuseo

Luultavasti (Probably), 2021, acrylic on wall, Harbour warehouse

Vielä (Still), 2021, acrylic on wall, Pursiala Old Substation

Toivo (Hope), 2021, acrylic on wall, Mikkeli Art Museum

Hetki (Moment), 2021, acrylic on wall, Market Square